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corporate responsibility/ sustainability


Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and Responsible Business Practice are all effectively the same thing


We assist clients with strategy and action plan development and implementation across these three elements.

For an organisation to operate sustainably and responsibly, it must realise that while economic prosperity is important, it cannot be at the expense of the environment or people’s health and wellbeing.

Getting the right balance between these three elements is key for any organisation’s journey to becoming truly sustainable.

Typical areas where organisations can implement initiatives to become more sustainable include:

  • Community engagement and support
  • Employee health and wellbeing
  • HR policy- equality, diversity and inclusion, employee training and development
  • Governance arrangements for sustainability
  • Procurement activities including environmental considerations, use of local suppliers and supplies, supporting smaller suppliers, safety considerations, whole life costing, ethical trading, human rights within the supply chain
  • Work to reduce environmental impact, such as:
  1. Carbon management planning
  2. Embedding circular economy practices
  3. Energy and water consumption reduction
  4. Sustainable travel planning
  5. Waste reduction/ improved waste management practices

Key Corporate Responsibility/ Sustainability support we offer includes:

  • CSR/ Sustainability awareness training
  • Policy, Strategy and Action Plan development and implementation
  • B Corp Certification support
  • Materiality assessments
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Support on implementation of CSR standards e.g. Business in the Community’s CORE standard/ BWR Mark, B Corp

Additional services

Circularity & Circular Economy

Environmental Compliance Support

Environmental Training

Management Systems / Standards

Carbon Management